The 11th Colour and Visual Computing Symposium 2022 (CVCS 2022)

This will be the eleventh time that The Colour and Visual Computing Laboratory at the NTNU – Norwegian University of Science and Technology organizes such an event. Over the years, our symposium has attracted a growing number of participants and provided a platform for fruitful discussions and exploration of recent theoretical advances and emerging practical applications in the broad field of colour and visual computing.

Dates and place

September 8-9, 2022, Gjøvik, Norway

Keynote speakers

Keynote speakers for CVCS 2022 are Professor Robert Jenssen (UiT – Arctic University of Norway), Professor Karl Gegenfurtner (Giessen University), Dr. Sebastian Bosse (Fraunhofer HHI, Germany), and Dr. William A.P. Smith (University of York).

Call for papers [Download PDF]

We now invite submissions of original research papers, before the deadline of May 1st, 2022. More information about submission procedures to be found at

Topics of particular interest to CVCS 2022 include, but are not limited to:

  • Colour and Image Metrology
  • Computational Photography
  • Colour Printing
  • 3D Capture and Reproduction
  • Light and Colour
  • Vision and Perception
  • Colour Science
  • Cross-Media Colour Reproduction
  • Face and Skin Acquisition and Rendering
  • Image and Video Processing and Analysis
  • Image and Video Quality Assessment and Enhancement
  • Material Appearance, Visualisation and Reproduction
  • Spectral Image Capture, Processing and Reproduction
  • Imaging for Applications: Cultural Heritage, Health and Medical, Media Security, Forensics, Biometrics

Supported by the Material Appearance Network for Education and Research (MANER), a special session on material appearance will be organized; submissions within this field are thus particularly encouraged.

Organizing Committee:
General Chairs: S. Ali Amirshahi and G. Claudio Guarnera
Program Chairs: Kiran B. Raja and Jean-B. Thomas
Publication Chairs: Aditya S. Sole and Dar’ya Guarnera
Special session and event Chair: Faouzi A. Cheikh
Publicity and sponsorship Chair: Jon Y. Hardeberg
Administrative Chair: Anneli T. Østlien

In addition to NTNU – the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and its Colourlab, CVCS 2022 is sponsored by Barbieri electronic, Canon Norge AS, Mihaly, and Norsk Elektro Optikk AS, as well as the organizations Forum Farge and NOBIM.

For additional information, visit, or