Colourlab Workshop: Measuring, Understanding, and Reproducing material appearance – Innovation and Development

12 October 2021 par GDR APPAMAT
An exciting Colourlab Workshop (hybrid) on October 26, 2021 (09:00 – 15:00). Topic of the workshop is “Measuring, Understanding, and Reproducing material appearance - Innovation and Development”.

This workshop primarily summaries the work and activities that are currently being carried out in 4 projects (MUVApp, MANER, ApPEARS, and NETApP) at the Colourlab. The final plan is as below.

To attend and participate in the discussion it is very important that you register using the following link. If you are participating online, you will be shared a meeting link to join online. Please remember to register on or before October 20th, 2021.

Registration link: Registration for Colourlab Workshop (

Date: October 26, 2021

Time: 0900 – 1500

Location: NTNU i Gjøvik, Eureka 1/3


Time Topic Speaker
0900 Welcome and introduction Aditya Sole
0910 Introduction to research and networking projects (MUVApp, MANER, NETApP and ApPEARS) Jon Yngve Hardeberg
0935 MUVApp project: Material Appearance – a behavioural perspective Davit Gigilashvili
1005 MUVApp project: Colour constancy in virtual reality Dar’ya Guarnera
1035 Coffee Break  
1100 Colourlab: The development of a multispectral imaging system for transmissive objects Giorgio Trumpy
1140 ApPEARS project: Integrating appearance in Colour Management Seyed Tanzima Habib
1200 ApPEARS project: Surface roughness of 3D-Printed models as a function of manufacturing process Ali Payami Golhin
1220 Lunch Break
1330 (0730) MANER project: Invited talk “Progress in Developing Material Appearance Design Tools” Holly Rushmeier, Yale University
1430 Coffee Break  
1445 ApPEARS project: Implementation of gloss in the 5-channel appearance space within a colour-managed workflow Donatela Saric, Fogra
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