07 May 2024

Workshop on 3D printing and translucent materials

A research consortium in Germany involving Fogra, Fraunhofer IGD and ILM, as well as GDR Appamat, co-organize an online workshop to present the lastest research about 3D appearance reproduction and translucent materials.

Workshop on the simulation of volumetric light transport effects and geometric errors in 3D prints and translucent materials




9:00 – ColourSim3D project presentation

The goal of ColourSim3D project is to improve the design and product development process of graphic 3D printing objects even when they involve translucency, i.e. when volume light scattering occurs. To achieve this goal, three main areas are treated:

          • simulation for a correct representation of the appearance already in the design process,
          • simplification of the optical material characterization,
          • communication of 3D colour and translucency, with an ISO norm among other things

9:15 – Session 1: From intrinsic parameters of materials to the simulation of the 3D print, by Alwin Kienle, Alexander Kissel and Philipp Nguyen (ILM)

This session is dadicated to the characterization of the materials used in graphic 3D printing and the measurement of their intrinsic parameters (scattering and absorption coefficients, refractive index), as well as the rendering of the visual appearance of 3D printed objects using Monte-Carlo simulation.

10:05 – Session 2: From the simulation of 3D print to the ground truth, by Philipp Urban and Lubna Abu Rmaileh (Fraunhofer IGD)

This session exposes an innovative approach to estimate the intrinsic parameters of materials based on straightforward measurements and deep learning is presented. Moreover, a solution is explained to simulate thickenings of 3D printed objects that are caused by the 3D printing process itself.

10:55 – Session 3: Translucency in 3D prints and validation, by Andreas Kraushaar and Julie Klein (Fogra)

In this session, the measurement and one-parameter representation of translucency is presented as intended in ISO/AWI 19307, which has been advanced within this research project. Additionally, results about the visualization of translucency in a rendering software are shown.

11:45 – Session 4: Characterization of translucent materials

Metrology for characterizing translucent materials, by Lou Gevaux (LNE-Cnam, France)

The « metrology of translucency » is a very young field of research, with very few “primary instruments” measuring BSSRDF with a traceability to the SI. I will present the state-of-the-art and the developments that can be expected in the next few years.

Measurement of radiative transfer properties of semi-transparent materials by Monte-Carlo inversion, by Laurent Brunel (PhotonLyx, Spain).

We will present a free software tool (Starlyx.org) for Monte-Carlo simulation of light interaction with semi transparent media. We will show an example of application with the measurement of the radiative transfer properties of paper. And we will show different techniques we foresee for inversion algorithms.

12:15 – Discussion
12:30 – Closing of the meeting


The workshop is open to whoever interested. Registration is expected through the form below.


About the organisers

07 May 2024, 10h0012h00
Online : https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4015366324282219614

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